October 22, 2024

Want to become more well-known for your company or yourself without spending money on marketing? Discover 10 strategies for positioning yourself as a media authority in your field and discover how to obtain unpaid and sponsored publicity.

Read More: Mark Bourrie

Are you fed up with sending press releases about your company or yourself but receiving little attention from the media? Are you eager to become more well-known without having to pay for direct advertising or employ a PR agency?

Juliet Landau-Pope, a professional organizer and certified coach, is a lone proprietor with a limited marketing budget. She is attempting to establish herself as an industry authority in the media. Thus far, she’s accomplished:

She offers her knowledge with us in hopes that it will help you become recognized in the media as the go-to expert in your field.

Ten strategies to position oneself as a media authority in your field

Here are my top recommendations if you’re eager to market yourself as a media expert and earn some extra cash in the process.

1) Seize every chance you get

Seize every chance to market yourself as an authority. I give speeches to schools, universities, and corporate organizations. I also write guest blogs, comment on Facebook groups and other online forums, and host my own clutter coaching seminars. Writing a blog is an additional excellent method to highlight your unique expertise and abilities.

2) Maintain the relevance of your website

To make your website seem current and alive, update it frequently. Verify if it works on mobile devices. Make sure your contact information is prominently displayed and that a picture of you appears “above the line,” or on the first screen that appears on a mobile device, on the home page. SEO is definitely essential. Make changes to your profile on any other websites where you have a listing.

3. Accept social media.

Reporters and public relations professionals want to see your current headshots and, if feasible, a video, to get a feel of your look, demeanor, style, and capacity for interaction and response. Seldom is a website able to perform all this. While it’s not necessary to be active on every network, interacting with people online will make you more visible. Through Twitter, I make contacts and have a great time.

4) Check messages and reply as soon as you can

Fortunately, I was able to return a television producer’s mid-morning call around noon, as I had been busy tidying with a client. Had I waited until the evening, she would have reserved the space for someone else.

5) Be ready to act quickly.

Although it’s not always simple, your chances of being contacted again increase with your level of adaptability. Be ready to break your routine because studio times are usually rigid and journalists always have to meet deadlines. You will want contacts for last-minute services, such as a dog walker, mobile hairdresser, or babysitter, in case a TV producer phones.

6) Don’t stress about what will be covered in live interviews.

Although it’s doubtful that you’ll receive the questions beforehand, keep in mind that interviewers prefer interaction and improvisation over the delivery of cold, hard facts. And nobody wants you to make a mistake. So unwind, express your enthusiasm, and be who you are.

7) Offer assistance

Keep a succinct bio (no more than five lines) and a high-quality profile photo on hand to send via email upon request. Offer to help the writer by compiling a list of essential guidelines or supplementary materials (industry-specific statistics, recent reports, helpful websites). They will be appreciative of your help, and it will further establish your authority.

8) Request recognition

Make sure journalists are using the exact spellings of URLs, phone numbers, and other information, and respectfully insist that print media include your website and/or contact information wherever feasible. If you don’t ask beforehand, don’t expect that your details will be published.

9) Acquire knowledge from experience—including errors!

Seek out constructive comments from coworkers or trusted friends on your “performance” following each interview. Get some training if you’re not confident enough. Two close friends gave me a TV training day at Pinewood Studios as a unique birthday present, and it has been really helpful.

10) Request payment.

Lastly, remember to request payment! Some media outlets only give a price in response to a request from the guest or expert; others do not pay at all. Asking up front whether there is a cost and how and when it will be paid is not being timid.