October 22, 2024

How well-versed on wild pigs are you? To increase your chances of success, it’s essential to learn a little bit about them before you go hunting.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: harvesting wild hogs has grown in popularity. These creatures are becoming more and more common across the United States, making them more accessible to a greater number of hunters.

Read More: hog hunting

These are seven things that any hog hunter should be aware of, regardless of whether they have previously gone crazy on hog hunts or are thinking about adding these creatures to their list of species to kill.

First of all, It’s Tough To Trick Their Nose

While their eyesight may not be as strong as that of other game you hunt, hogs have excellent smells. Hogs are able to detect scents up to five miles away and as far down as 25 feet in the earth.

For this reason, a lot of hunters employ the “spot and stalk” strategy. Although it is uncommon to mislead a wild hog’s nose, you may fool its sight if you are attentive.

Hunters use this strategy to survey an area where they may observe and “spot” pigs. Next, pick a hog you wish to take, then pursue it very slowly until you are within shot distance, keeping the wind in your face to prevent the hog from sensing your approach and becoming aware of your presence.

Fact 2: Sweat glands are absent from hogs

We understand that you may be wondering, “Why does it matter if hogs have sweat glands or not?” Because they lack sweat glands, pigs have to take extreme steps to stay cool during hot weather.

Knowing this knowledge helps you organize your hunts more effectively because many of the hog populations that are getting harder to manage are located in the south (Texas, Alabama, and other southern states).

To get the most of your weather hunting, you have to adopt a wild hog mentality. Hogs will seek for the thickest cover or water in the event of intense heat waves, depending on what is available. Moreover, you may see wild pigs wandering late at night when the temperature drops or lying in the mud.

Given this knowledge, it stands to reason that the winter months are the ideal times to hunt wild pigs since they don’t have to work as hard to remain cold. But now that you know where they’ll be throughout the hotter months as well, finding them may be simpler if you want to hunt during those times.

Fact 3: They Can Jump and Run

Ever saw a wild hog leap or run? Despite their seemingly slow movements, these creatures can attain speeds of up to 30 mph.

They have also been observed jumping barriers that are less than three feet. Additionally, wild pigs have been observed by researchers to escape five- to six-foot-tall traps.

For hunters, what does all of this mean? Be cautious when hunting.

Wild pigs have an excellent sense of smell, as we have already indicated. They are also big, hostile creatures that have the ability to charge you quickly.

Thus, you need to use caution while using any methods of hunting or capturing these wild pigs. Texas A&M advises placing teardrop-shaped traps that are at least five feet tall, avoiding “hard” corners (i.e., 90-degree angles) since pigs have a tendency to congregate in corners and can climb over the trap.

Fact 4: They Have a 100-Yard Field of Vision

Hogs can see objects up to 100 yards away, despite the fact that their eyesight isn’t as good as that of other wild game.

Thus, use caution and be quiet if you intend to locate and pursue a hog. They have the ability to hear and see you from a distance, but keep in mind that they could charge you if they catch you!

Locate Uprooted Soil (Fact 5)

Finding uprooted dirt is one of the most obvious indicators to look for while harvesting a wild hog. One of the most obvious indications that there are hogs in the region is uprooted dirt.

In order to get food, wild pigs dig through plants using their snouts. Finding disturbed soil, then, can aid in the harvesting of a quality pig.

Fact 6: A Lot of Wild Pigs Turn Into Night Owls

Many wild hogs have turned nocturnal in order to adapt to the tactics and behavior of hunters as they become more and more popular to shoot in an effort to restrict their population growth. Because of their nocturnal habits, nighttime feeding sessions are among the greatest times to hunt wild pigs.

In a few states, hog hunting is permitted both in daylight and in artificial light on both public and private lands. Make sure you have the necessary gear if you plan to hunt at night. When a hog is around, the Game Alert Hog Hunting Light may be fastened to the bottom of feeders to offer light.

By doing this, you may notice pigs moving in the dark and make nighttime hog hunting easier.

Fact 7: Every year, there is a noticeable increase in population

According to studies, the number of wild hogs in the US rises by 18–20% a year! This species’ fast population growth is a solid reason to kill these animals since it damages our crops, farms, and forests.

Due to these creatures’ fast expansion, we need to start using our right to hunt and respect their rights.