October 22, 2024

It is not common to see houses removed. But occasionally, while you’re driving home late at night, you’ll have to yield to a house that is approaching from the other direction. After the mobile home passes, you’ll be amazed at how the house managed to fit on the truck, and you may resume your regular activities. Since the topic of how the home removal procedure operates isn’t frequently raised, we figured we may as well explain it to you.

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There are a ton of factors involved with house moves. The majority of it is around careful planning, but when moving day draws near, everyone must pitch in to make sure your house moves to its new location without a hitch.

It may be divided into three primary phases: the loading, moving, and preparation phases. Where feasible, we have added the pertinent photographs to assist make things as obvious as possible.


The planning phase of any house moving service is crucial and may make or break the entire undertaking. Initially, we try to obtain access to the house’s building blueprints so that we may evaluate the structure’s structural soundness. We collaborate with our experts to make sure that extra support beams are placed to strengthen the structure if the building has delicate cladding or can’t hold its own weight during the lift. We started by disconnecting the plumbing, power, and other accessories as the house in the photo didn’t require this kind of assistance.

Simultaneously, the inside is ready, which entails taking out all furniture and belongings and fastening everything that could move during the relocation. Drawers, cabinets, and hanging light fixtures fall under this category.

The house has to be lifted after this. In order to progressively raise the home, our crew gets to work installing jacks and supports below it. The house’s connections to its foundations are severed as it is raised. We now have control over its weight, and we cannot go back.

To prevent unequal lifting and bending of the frame, it is imperative that each component being jacked moves in concert with the other jacking points when elevating the house. Several eyes need to be observing every part of the home for this. To properly complete this, team members must communicate clearly with one another.

The preparatory phase is practically over after the home has been raised to a height where the truck can park itself underneath it without difficulty. From this point on, all roof fasteners are taken off to lower the home’s overall height. Additionally, a wooden deflection pole is attached to the roof in case the house encounters any low-hanging power lines.

The Haines House Removal route planning team has been actively engaging with the neighborhood during this time. It is crucial that our procedure proceeds as smoothly as possible and doesn’t cause any disturbance to the neighborhood. Therefore, people along the house moving path receive fliers in the weeks before the final move informing them of the date of the transfer and requesting that any vehicles or vans be left off the road so that our haulage truck can pass them by.

The loading phase

The day arrives when the home can be loaded onto the truck following the completion of the lifting preparations.

Any obstacles must be removed as the first stage in this process to provide the removal truck with a clear path of access. It is necessary to move objects such as trees, sheds, and even rocks with the least amount of collateral harm. Street signs frequently become temporarily dismantled at narrow street entrances.

Community residents frequently visit us on loading day to see the procedure since our skilled movers’ coordinated effort and truck maneuvering are quite amazing to see. We adore talking with the onlookers and demonstrating to them how a house moving service operates.

After any obstacles are removed from the path leading to the house, our large Kenworth C500 moving truck can maneuver its way inside. With its 15-liter, 600 horsepower diesel engine, this stunning truck frequently steals the show and easily moves an 18,000 kg home.

Our professional truck driver and other team members must pay close attention and use pinpoint accuracy throughout the loading phase. The hydraulic lifting capacity of the trailer enables it to reach the base of the home. To make sure the truck is precisely positioned in the center of the home, our team works together with the driver, trailer operator, and ground team members.

The truck carefully backtracks beneath the home with some deft micromanoeuvring and eyes on the ground monitoring every region below. In order to provide the trailer with a sturdy bed to sit on, our crew places enormous wooden poles horizontally on it while this is going on. The jacks are gently dropped or elevated to modify any portions of the home that require it.

The hydraulic trailer is raised to meet the house after everything is in alignment and the location has been measured and verified three times. Spotters on the ground utilize visible hand signals to make sure the trailer operator can move to the ideal pitch, yaw, and height since it’s imperative that all portions of the trailer connect with the house at the same time to minimize flexing.

We next affix the driving lights and high-visibility panels after raising the trailer to home level. At this point, the trailer begins to support the weight of the home, causing the surrounding house jacks to begin to slip away. The home is then given a final once-over to ensure it’s prepared for the relocation stage before being chained to the trailer.


No home removal service in the greater Auckland region is able to complete the actual transfer before 10:30 pm due to the potentially disruptive nature of a house truck on the highways. But there’s still a lot of work to be done in front of then. Scouting the entire route is part of this preparation; you’ll need to look for parked cars, bridge heights, and other tight areas. After the route is ready, a last once-over is performed, the chain lights go on, and our loaded Kenworth truck from Haines House Removal moves cautiously along with a Wide Load pilot car.

This is a slow-moving stage that might take several hours to cover 10km, depending on the difficulties along the path. Since it pays to have a well-rested and alert crew, we frequently use stop-off spots along the way to split the travel into manageable chunks each night, depending on how long the journey is.

After the house is in position, it is jacked up once more, and the trailer is removed from the home once stability has been confirmed. We will often travel to the property’s final destination, but if the owners aren’t sure where they want to sell it, they frequently employ our house brokering service. In other words, we keep it in storage at our yard in Helensville until a customer buys it for their own property, which restarts the home moving procedure.

Fenton House Removals has a great deal of expertise in the house moving business, and every move is well planned. In order for you to know exactly how a home got there, you should be able to understand how a house removal service works after reading this article.